Archive Appraisal Report
Requirements and Description
For this assignment, I pretended to be an employee of the Wisconsin Historical Society responsible for appraising the Bancroft Camp 16 Records records based both on evidential value and informational value. I was provided with documents that constitute a sample reflecting the total collection which is ten cubic feet (approximately 25,000 pages), arranged in the same order as when an archivist packed the collection for transport to the Historical Society.
The requirements for this assignment were to complete an appraisal report and explain why the Bancroft Camp 16 records are historically important to the Wisconsin Historical Society. While I was provided with the provenance and processing and conservation notes, I was required to write a one-page history of the organization, a one-page general description of the records, and an explanation for acquiring the collection, in addition to group the records into series. Each series required a short paragram appraising the records in the series, recommending and defending the acquisition of this collection.
Skills and competencies for this assignment include but are not limited to Archival Processing and Appraisal.