graphic of arts and sciencesArtisans

There is no way to re-create history without artisans who re-create the medieval arts and sciences. The SCA requires that everyone attending an event “Make an attempt at pre-17th century clothing.” The degree of historical accuracy will vary from person to person, and something that you will decide for yourself.

Arts and Sciences Classes

To help you with re-creation, the SCA is an educational organization, with classes at numerous events throughout the community. From learning how to sew the clothing, to making the armor to fight, to preparing the food and drinks, to creating beautiful scrolls, artisans touch every aspect of the SCA. Most classes are free, or only charge for the cost of materials.

Arts and Sciences Faires

The Arts & Sciences community has a process – similar to a local or state fair – where people can bring their items to display. Some faires are just for popular acclaim, some are for constructive commentary, and some are competitions. Here’s an example of the documentation guidelines.


Faires are sometimes part of other events, and sometimes they are the focus of the event.