Officers GraphicOfficers

Our group is run by a number of volunteers serving as officers, and some of our offices have medieval titles. Anyone on this list can be contacted with questions about the group.


Seneschal – Krishna
(Group President)

Arts & Sciences – Bergthora Dafidsdottir
(Coordinates Classes)

Knight Marshal – Haldr Thorsson
(Monitors Fighting Activities)

Herald – Wynalie Mareschall
(Helps People Register Personal Heraldry and Reports Awards)

Chatelaine – Kallipe Petraxefoto
(Newcomer Assistant)

Webminister & Social Media – Maysun al Rasheeqa

Historian – Joel Dolittle


There are also contacts on the Kingdom page.


Or if you can visit here if you want information about joining us.


To be an officer, you usually have to be a paid member of the SCA, Inc., and there are often required reports (generally quarterly, although sometimes more often) that have to be filed for the group about activities. They are strongly encouraged to attend the monthly business meetings where they often given an oral report to members on their area.