Who We Are GraphicWho We Are


It is not easy to pin down who we are. Like the large range of time periods and geographies covered by the SCA, the people of the SCA – and the Shire of Rising Stone – are a diverse lot. The thing that bring us all together is our love of history and SCA activities. Many of us have made lifelong friends in the Society, and learned and done amazing things because of it.


The SCA is committed to excellence in its programs, communications and
activities and to:
• act in accordance with the chivalric virtues of honor and service;
• value and respect the worth and dignity of all individuals;
• practice inclusiveness and respect pluralism and diversity;
• promote a safe and respectful environment for all SCA events;
• act with transparency, fairness, integrity and honesty;
• be a responsible steward of SCA resources; and,
• be committed to maintaining the trust of its members and participants.


Find out more about us at sca.org/about


Enjoy a few photos of our local people enjoying the SCA.