Olivia is the Director of Client Services and Support within the Information Technology Services department at the University of Tennessee at Martin. Her team handles the Computer Help Desk, Desktop Support, MFD, and Classroom and AV Technology for the campus. Olivia graduated from the University of Tennessee at Martin in 2016 with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. She also graduated from UTM again in 2018 with a Master of Business Administration.
Olivia is currently attending the University of Tennessee at Knoxville and will complete her Master of Science in Information Sciences in August of 2023. She is also enrolled at UT Chattanooga and is almost halfway through the Leadership and Decision-Making Ph.D. program. In the fall, she will begin teaching Information Systems courses in the College of Business Administration at UT Martin.
Olivia’s favorite band is Coheed and Cambria. Below is a youtube video of the song Old Flames.