Assignment: Mini Classification System
Group Assignment
Course: INSC 512
Semester: Spring 2021
MSIS Learning Outcome(s): 1,6,8
I selected the mini classification system group project to provide evidence of meeting MSIS learning outcomes 1, 6, and 8. The assignment allowed my team to construct a mini-classification system of our choice using the Dewey Decimal Classification for guidance. This assignment allowed us to explore, discuss, analyze, and apply standards for “the process of creation, organization, distribution, storage, access, retrieval, management, use, and preservation of information.” By creating this system to organize items such as ingredients, equipment, baked goods, packaging, beverages, and retail items for a small bakery.
We created a bakery environment and discussed not only what items would be sold but also what items were needed or used to deliver the product to the customer. By expanding past only baked items, we created categories covering services and inventory needs, which helped us create tables for the classification system. We also developed a manual to use when working on classifying their items through classes, subclasses, and tables. This allowed us to meet learning outcome 8. This is to assess and implement the system that will “serve users effectively and efficiently”.