Skills and Competencies

C E R T I F I C A T I O N S    A N D   T R A I N I N G

Dell Warranty Service Provider Certification                                                February 2017

Lenovo Warranty Service Provider Certification                                          May 2017

HP Warranty Service Provider Certification                                                      June 2017

AVIXA AV Project Manager Certification                                                        March 2018

EDUCAUSE IT Management Training                                                              October 2018

Extron AV Associate                                                                                              February 2019

ITIL Foundations Training                                                                                  January 2020


Analytical Decision-Making
Team Communication and Collaboration
Problem Solving
Project Management
Workshop Creation and Facilitation
Asset Management
Budget Management
Customer Service


Experience with Multiple Operating Systems

Microsoft Windows, MacOS, Ubuntu and Linux Mint

Server-Side Programming and Scripting

PHP, SQL, Python, C++, Ruby

Front-End Programming

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Audio/Visual Backend Systems

Extron Global Viewer Enterprise, WolfVision Cynap Management System, Samsung MagicInfo Digital Signage Server

Learning Management Systems

Blackboard LMS, Canvas (Instructure) LMS