While I do like to focus on movies currently in the theatre, that doesn’t mean I don’t have favorite movies. Below is a list of my all-time favorite movies. There are certainly many more movies that could be added to this list but three seems like a good start.

Star Wars: A New Hope (Starring Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher; Directed by George Lucas)

Easily the movie I’ve seen the most in my life. Anytime I watch it, I’m immediately transformed back to an 8-year-old watching it for the first time. Does a great job of capturing that sweet spot of fantasy, action and adventure.

The Godfather (Starring Marlin Brando, Al Pacino, Diane Keaton; Directed by Francis Ford Coppola).

As close to a flawless movie as possible. From story to music to performances to directing, there is nothing in this movie that couldn’t be argued as a master craft in filmmaking.

Back to the Future (Starring Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson; Directed by Robert Zumeckis)

This may be arguably a “perfect” film. It’s one of the few movies that probably has something for everyone in terms of story, humor, heart, etc.