My ePortfolio


As I made this ePortfolio, I remember that I was the type of kid who developed an interest, then made it a mission to hunt down ways to learn everything about the subject.  After college I got in a position at the university library after graduation.  There I found how much I loved working at a library, but life moved in a different direction.  First to a teaching position at a middle school, but soon, I moved to the private sector to work in Information Technology management.

Roger Justus ePortfolio portrait

Employers found my value in serving as a link between IT and its information-hungry-if not-savvy customer base. I received fulfillment from helping my fellow employees learn, navigate and adapt to technology. Still, I became frustrated with the market forces that make corporate IT a constant pressure cooker.

So, after a period of reflection and thought, along with consulting friends and family, I applied and was accepted to the Information Science program at the University of Tennessee, graduating in May of this year. 

This ePortfolio gives you a bit of a look at my work as I begin my search to find the job that will fulfill me and provide me an opportunity to serve others in GIS, Data, and Reference in an academic library setting.

On this site you can find information about my work with the following:

Need more informatioin or have any questions? Go here to get in touch!