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About This Course

Learn more about this course, Information Sciences 589-Web Design! The class is led by Dr. Vandana Singh. It is an asynchronous course in the University of Tennessee’s College of Communication and Information.

This course delivers:

  • A hands-on experience by creating websites using latest web site design tools and techniques
  • A theoretical insight into emerging trends and techniques
  • A stronger understanding of the basics of web design, website creation, and evaluation
  • A basic knowledge of usability testing and search engine optimization

Topics covered are:

  • Introduction to Web Design
  • Website Critique and Information Architecture
  • Cascading Style Sheets
  • Design – Elements: Page Layout, Graphics and Writing for the Web
  • Web Development Tools
  • Website Assessment and Usability
  • Website Visibility
  • Future Trends and Web Analytics

Students are sure to learn all about the basics of web design in this class, preparing them for more advanced classes in the future. To learn more about the professor for this course, please visit our Meet The Professor page.

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