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CSS Learn More About Cascading Style Sheets!

CSS, orĀ Cascading Style Sheets, allows users to develop detail webpages with consistent structure and design elements. Through this, users can efficiently format multiple webpages to a uniform appearance.

What is CSS?

Cascading Style Sheets is a means to separate the presentation from the markup language of the web site. It utilizes cross-browser support to appear in any web browser.

Advantages of CSS

CSS is a useful system in the field of Web Design and Development. Some of the many advantages are:

  • Greater consistency in a website.
  • Easily edited code.
  • Flexible formatting.
  • Better functionality.

Applying Styles

CSS can be applied to HTML through three different methods:

  1. External Style
    • Allows users to apply styles to multiple HTML files by creating rule on a separate style sheet.
  2. Embedded Style
    • Styles are embedded into the document head to declare the style on a certain web page.
  3. Internal Style
    • Effects a specific element by directly applying the style.

Growing your Knowledge

The following resources allow you to learn more about using and implementing this feature into your HTML files:

CSS Cheat Sheet


What is the difference between these two languages? While they both go hand-in-hand, there are important distinctions between the two. HTML is what determines the content of the page, specifically links, images, videos, and the text of a website. On the other hand, CSS focuses on the style of a webpage. It specifically looks at how the page should look from the eyes of a designer, like wrapping a present with pretty wrapping paper and a beautiful bow.

Without Cascading Style Sheets, the web as we know it would look nothing like it does today. It is easy to see how important this system significantly improves the user experience, providing for better looking design and consistency.