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Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about the work we do? Here are some of our most frequently asked questions.

Why should I consider Member Business Lending?

Typically, credit unions are looking to grow membership or tap into an under-served market. Others are looking to increase asset earnings by obtaining higher yields. Recently, credit unions have been aggressively engaging in Participation Loans. This allows credit unions to meet portfolio management objectives while alleviating possible risk concerns.

Why use Commercial Alliance?

As lending experts, it’s our goal to build a partnership that lasts a lifetime. For example, we take the time to understand the needs of our Member Credit Unions and their unique differences. We work closely with credit union management to ensure goals of all stakeholders are met with success.

What types of commercial loans are available?

We assist credit unions by engaging in a multitude of commercial loan transactions. We are experts in commercial real estate, for instance. Visit our loans page to learn more. 

Who are the credit union owners of Commercial Alliance?

Commercial Alliance owners and affiliates have full access to all services and team members. Owners serve as the foundation for Commercial Alliance and provide overall direction for the organization as members of our Board of Directors. In contrast, affliates have access to our services, but are not on the Board. Our credit union owners are Alliance Catholic Credit Union, Community Choice Credit Union, LAFCU, Monroe County Community Credit Union, Omni Community Credit Union and Team One Credit Union.

How can I become a member of Commercial Alliance?

Please call us at (800) 518-4096 or send an email to us at